Therapeutic Tabletop
Role Playing Games
Perhaps you have heard of dungeons and dragons or pathfinder - TTRPGs use similar adapted gameplay to meet therapy goals.
These games focus on collaborative gameplay. Group members collaborate with each other with role-playing characters they create to explore fictional worlds and real-life relationships.
TTRPGs take place in the physical world, where players gather around a table to interact. Groups are typically structured with a 5-minute check-in, 60 minutes of gameplay and 25 minutes for group processing.
Your clinician will be trained using the Game to Grow Method (gametogrow.org) using Critical Core or another module to meet the goals of your group.
In the eight-week series, we will explore capacities of regulation, collaboration, planning, perspective, and pretend play.
Areas of exploration include conflict resolution, leadership, completing projects, and changing habits. TTRPGs are a great way to enter therapy and create social connections.
Groups are made based on age and developmental level, ranging from adolescent groups (11 - 14 years old) to adult groups. If you are hoping to have fun and make connections while working through difficulty, TTRPGs may be for you.
All levels of gaming experience are welcome. You will receive everything you need at the first session to get you started. Each group will have 4-5 players with a licensed clinician as the game leader.
At this time, the TTRPG groups are not billable through insurance. We enroll groups in different cohorts, meaning that players sign up for an 8 -week session.
Groups are charged on a per-cohort basis at $100/session ($800 total) and include the individual introduction interview, 8 weeks of group gameplay, and a 30-minute individual check-in at the end.